How to Fix the \"__dirname is not defined in ES module scope\" Error

If you encounter the “__dirname is not defined in ES module scope” error while using __dirname in an ES module, here’s how you can fix it. In a Node script, __dirname is used to retrieve the path of the folder where the current JavaScript file resides. However, it cannot be used within an ES module, leading to the aforementioned error. To overcome this issue, follow these steps: Import the Node.js path module and the fileURLToPath function from the url module: import path from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; Replicate the functionality of __dirname using the following code: const __filename = fileURLToPath(import....

JavaScript Dynamic Imports: Exploring a Powerful Feature

Dynamic imports are a new and upcoming feature in JavaScript that offer a range of possibilities. Recently, I had the opportunity to use dynamic imports in a Next.js application for code splitting. While they are similar to static imports, there are a few differences worth exploring. To begin with, a static import of an ES Module’s default export follows this syntax: import moment from 'moment' In the case of named exports, object destructuring is used:...