How to Authenticate to Any Google API

Authenticating to Google APIs can be complicated, especially when working with the Google Developers Console. This can sometimes discourage developers from using Google APIs. However, this article aims to simplify the process of authenticating to any Google API by explaining how to use the Google Developers Console. To get started, make sure you already have a Google account. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to authenticate to any Google API:...

How to Read Environment Variables from Node.js

Learn how to read and utilize environment variables in a Node.js program. Environment variables are incredibly valuable as they allow us to avoid hardcoding sensitive information, such as API keys, directly into our code and inadvertently pushing it to GitHub. Modern deployment platforms, including Vercel and Netlify, offer ways to add environment variables through their interfaces, making it even easier to manage these variables. In Node.js, the process core module provides the env property, which contains all the environment variables set when the process began....

How to Utilize Environment Variables in Netlify Functions

A concise guide on effectively using environment variables in Netlify functions. To utilize environment variables in your Netlify Functions, you can access the process.env variable: process.env.YOUR_VARIABLE To enhance code readability, you can use object destructuring at the beginning of your JavaScript file: const { YOUR_VARIABLE } = process.env; Then, you can simply use the YOUR_VARIABLE throughout the rest of your program. To set the variables, you can do so through the Netlify administration interface (although you can also add them in your repository, it is recommended to use the Netlify UI to avoid exposing secrets in your Git repository)....

Linux commands: env - Interacting with Environment Variables

The env command is a versatile tool used in Linux, macOS, WSL, and UNIX environments to run commands while manipulating and interacting with environment variables. Passing Environment Variables One of the main use cases for the env command is to pass environment variables to a command, without permanently setting them in the current shell. For example, if you want to run a Node.js app and set the USER variable to it, you can use the env command as follows:...

Linux Commands: Exploring the `printenv` Command for Environment Variables

The printenv command is a useful tool for printing the values of environment variables in a Linux, macOS, or UNIX environment. In this guide, we will explore how to use this command effectively. Understanding Environment Variables Environment variables play a crucial role in setting system configurations and customizing shell behaviors. They can be set by the system itself or by your own shell scripts and configuration files. Printing All Environment Variables To print all the environment variables to the terminal, simply execute the printenv command....