Dockerfiles: A Guide to Building Docker Images

In the world of Docker, a Dockerfile serves as the recipe for building a Docker image. It outlines the necessary steps and instructions to construct an image that can then be used to run a container. The workflow for using a Dockerfile is as follows: first, you create the Dockerfile, then you build the Docker image using the docker build command, and finally, you run a container from the created image....

Linux commands: env - Interacting with Environment Variables

The env command is a versatile tool used in Linux, macOS, WSL, and UNIX environments to run commands while manipulating and interacting with environment variables. Passing Environment Variables One of the main use cases for the env command is to pass environment variables to a command, without permanently setting them in the current shell. For example, if you want to run a Node.js app and set the USER variable to it, you can use the env command as follows:...