Deferreds and Promises: Structuring Your JavaScript Code with Ease (+ Ember.js Example)

Promises are an innovative approach to managing asynchronous code in JavaScript. They provide a structured way to handle events and make your code more readable. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Promises and Deferreds in JavaScript, using examples with jQuery and Ember.js. What are Promises? A Promise is an object that represents an event and its lifecycle. It starts in a pending state when it is called and transitions to a resolved or rejected state when the event is completed....

The Evolution of JavaScript in the Last Decade

Looking back at the last decade of JavaScript and the evolution of the web, it has been a truly remarkable journey. In 2010, JavaScript wasn’t as widely used as it is today. While I had JavaScript books from as early as 1998 in my library, I mainly used it in the form of Mootools and jQuery plugins. Although I wrote some glue code in JavaScript, it wasn’t anything groundbreaking. Back then, JavaScript was not considered a hot language, except for projects like GMail and Google Maps that required advanced work and large budgets....