Understanding the Differences: event.stopPropagation(), event.preventDefault(), and return false

When it comes to handling DOM events in JavaScript, it’s common to get confused about when to use event.stopPropagation(), event.preventDefault(), or simply return false. In this blog, we’ll clarify the purpose of each and guide you on their appropriate usage. event.stopPropagation() The stopPropagation() method of an Event object allows you to prevent event bubbling. Event bubbling is the natural propagation of an event from a specific element to its parent elements....

Working with events in Svelte

Learn how to work with events in Svelte Listening to DOM events In Svelte, you can define a listener for a DOM event directly in the template using the on:<event> syntax. For example, to listen to the click event, you can pass a function to the on:click attribute. Similarly, for the onmousemove event, you can pass a function to the on:mousemove attribute. Here are some examples: <button on:click={() => { alert('clicked') }}>Click me</button> <script> const doSomething = () => { alert('clicked') } </script> <button on:click={doSomething}>Click me</button> It is generally better to define the handling function inline when the code is not too verbose, typically 2-3 lines....