Adding Event Listeners to Elements Returned from querySelectorAll

In this blog post, we will discuss how to add event listeners to all the elements returned by a document.querySelectorAll() call. This method allows us to iterate over the results and attach an event listener to each element. By using the for..of loop, we can easily iterate over the NodeList returned by querySelectorAll(). Here’s an example: const buttons = document.querySelectorAll("#select .button"); for (const button of buttons) { button.addEventListener('click', function(event) { // Event listener logic goes here }); } It is worth noting that document....

Checking if a DOM Element Has a Class: A Quick Guide

When working with DOM elements, it is sometimes necessary to check if a specific element has a particular class. This can be useful for performing conditional actions or manipulating the element based on the existence of a class. One way to check for the presence of a class is by using the contains method provided by the classList object. The classList object is a built-in feature of JavaScript that allows for easy manipulation of an element’s classes....

How to Resolve the \"document is not defined\" Error

If you encounter the “ReferenceError: document is not defined” error in a Node.js or Next.js environment, there are steps you can take to resolve it. The document object is specific to browsers and is not accessible in server-side JavaScript environments. To learn more about the document object, refer to the detailed DOM Document Object Model guide. In the case of Node.js, there is no direct workaround for this issue. It is essential to identify the specific section of code where the document object is being accessed and investigate why it is being used in a server-side context....

Roadmap for Learning the Web Platform: A Comprehensive Guide

The Web Platform is a powerful and diverse ecosystem comprising of APIs, tools, and languages. It offers endless possibilities for developers. If you are looking for a roadmap to learn the Web Platform, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, I have compiled a collection of tutorials and articles that will help you navigate the Web Platform with ease. Let’s get started! Browser API Guides Begin your journey by diving into the Document Object Model (DOM), which is the fundamental API exposed by browsers....

The Document Object Model (DOM): A Guide for Developers

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a representation of an HTML document in nodes and objects. It is the browser’s internal structure that allows developers to interact with and manipulate the web page. Modern JavaScript frameworks heavily rely on the DOM API to control the elements displayed on the page. When a browser retrieves an HTML document from a server, it analyzes the structure of the code and creates a model of it known as the DOM....

Understanding Event Bubbling and Event Capturing in JavaScript

In JavaScript, event propagation can occur in two models: event bubbling and event capturing. Let’s explore how these models work and how they can be applied to your code. Let’s say you have the following DOM structure: <div id="container"> <button>Click me</button> </div> You want to track when users click on the button, and you have two event listeners - one on the button itself and one on the #container element....

Vue.js Events: Interacting with DOM Events

Vue.js provides a convenient way to handle DOM events using the v-on directive on an element. Being able to intercept events is essential in making Vue components interactive. What are Vue.js events? With Vue.js, we can intercept any DOM event using the v-on directive on an element. For example, if we want to perform something when a click event occurs on an element: <template> <a>Click me!</a> </template> We can add the v-on directive:...