Deploying a Go Application in a Docker Container

If you’ve never heard about Docker, but that’s unlikely, the first thing you should know is that Docker allows you to run applications in isolation and with a great separation of concerns, yet allows them to communicate and interact with the external world. And you should know that everyone uses it, and every major cloud provider has a solution dedicated to running containers, so you should learn it! Install Installation changes depending on your system, so check https://www....

Getting Started with Docker: First Steps After Installation

Once you have completed the Docker installation on your system, you’re ready to take your first steps in creating and running Docker images and containers. This guide will walk you through the process. To begin, you can either run the commands directly in the built-in terminal or use your own shell. Here’s how I prefer to do it on macOS: Open the macOS Terminal. Navigate to your desired directory (e.g., cd dev) and create a subdirectory called docker to host your Docker experiments (mkdir docker and cd docker)....

How to Commit Changes to a Docker Image

When it comes to deploying your app and the need to fix a bug or release an update arises, it’s essential to understand how to commit changes to a Docker image. This process allows you to create a new tag for an existing container. To begin, you can obtain the ID of the running container by using the docker ps command. With the container ID in hand, you can proceed to utilize the docker commit command to create the new image tag....

How to Work with Docker Containers Using the Command Line

Docker containers are a powerful tool for managing and running applications. While the Docker Desktop application provides a graphical interface to work with containers easily, you can also utilize the command line interface (CLI) commands for more flexibility and control. To list the currently running containers, you can use the docker ps command. Alternatively, you can run docker container ls for the same result. docker ps Here is an example output of the command:...

Introduction to Docker Images

A Docker image serves as a foundational blueprint for a container. It is the starting point for everything in Docker. When you instruct Docker to create a container from an image using the docker run command, Docker performs various operations such as setting up the file system and initializing dependencies to create the container. Images are constructed using a Dockerfile, which can be processed using the docker build command. These images can be stored locally or published on Docker Hub, a Docker registry....

Introduction to Docker: Revolutionizing Application Deployment and Distribution

Docker has emerged as a game-changing tool for deploying and distributing applications. It has gained significant popularity among developers and possessing Docker skills can greatly enhance your professional profile. With Docker, you can create containers that encapsulate entire applications, allowing for easy replication. Replication is a key advantage, as it enables the creation of isolated environments that can run on various computers and servers, ensuring consistent software versions and preventing configuration issues....

Troubleshooting Immediate Exits of Docker Containers

If you encounter a situation where a Docker container exits immediately after running it with the docker run command, and the container continues to exit whenever you attempt to start it using Docker Desktop, there is likely an issue that needs to be resolved. To identify the root cause of the problem, you can make use of the docker logs command. By running docker logs followed by the container’s name, you can examine the logs and gain insights into the underlying issue....

Using Docker Desktop to Manage a Container

Managing Docker containers is made easier with Docker Desktop. Once you have started a container, you can use Docker Desktop to perform various tasks and monitor its status. To access the container management features in Docker Desktop, click the Docker icon in the toolbar and choose Dashboard. The Docker Desktop dashboard will display a list of containers you have running. When you hover over a container in the list, you will see five buttons that allow you to perform different actions:...

Working with Docker Images from the Command Line

In this blog post, we will discuss how to work with Docker images from the command line. Docker images are essential for running containers and encapsulating your applications in a portable and efficient manner. To list all the images you have downloaded or installed, you can use the following command: docker images -a This command will provide you with a list of all the Docker images on your system, including their names, tags, sizes, and creation dates....