How to Work with Docker Containers Using the Command Line

Docker containers are a powerful tool for managing and running applications. While the Docker Desktop application provides a graphical interface to work with containers easily, you can also utilize the command line interface (CLI) commands for more flexibility and control. To list the currently running containers, you can use the docker ps command. Alternatively, you can run docker container ls for the same result. docker ps Here is an example output of the command:...

Troubleshooting Immediate Exits of Docker Containers

If you encounter a situation where a Docker container exits immediately after running it with the docker run command, and the container continues to exit whenever you attempt to start it using Docker Desktop, there is likely an issue that needs to be resolved. To identify the root cause of the problem, you can make use of the docker logs command. By running docker logs followed by the container’s name, you can examine the logs and gain insights into the underlying issue....

Using Docker Desktop to Manage a Container

Managing Docker containers is made easier with Docker Desktop. Once you have started a container, you can use Docker Desktop to perform various tasks and monitor its status. To access the container management features in Docker Desktop, click the Docker icon in the toolbar and choose Dashboard. The Docker Desktop dashboard will display a list of containers you have running. When you hover over a container in the list, you will see five buttons that allow you to perform different actions:...