Destructuring Objects and Arrays in JavaScript

Learn how to use the destructuring syntax to work with arrays and objects in JavaScript. Destructuring in JavaScript allows you to extract values from objects and arrays and assign them to variables in a more concise way. This can make your code more readable and efficient. Destructuring Objects With object destructuring, you can extract specific properties from an object and assign their values to named variables. This can be especially useful when working with large objects or when you only need certain properties....

How to Set Default Parameter Values in JavaScript

Learn how to add default parameter values to your JavaScript functions for improved flexibility and ease of use. Default parameter values were introduced in ES6 in 2015 and have become widely implemented in modern browsers. Let’s start with a simple example of a function called doSomething that accepts a parameter param1: const doSomething = (param1) => { } To add a default value for param1 in case the function is invoked without specifying a parameter, you can modify the function like this:...

JavaScript Function Parameters

Learn the basics of JavaScript Function Parameters. A function in JavaScript can accept one or more parameters. Let’s look at some examples: const doSomething = () => { //do something } const doSomethingElse = (foo) => { //do something } const doSomethingElseAgain = (foo, bar) => { //do something } Starting from ES6/ES2015, functions can have default values for their parameters. Here’s an example: const doSomething = (foo = 1, bar = 'hey') => { //do something } This allows you to call the function without specifying all the parameters:...