Converting Numbers from Decimal to Binary

In this tutorial, we will learn how to convert decimal numbers to binary numbers quickly. We will cover the conversion process for both integers and fractions. Converting an Integer from Decimal to Binary: To convert a decimal integer to binary, follow these steps: Divide the decimal number by 2. Take note of the remainder. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the quotient until you reach zero. Reverse the sequence of remainders to obtain the binary representation of the decimal number....

The Decimal Number System: An Introduction

In the Western world, the decimal number system is the most widely used and familiar system for representing numbers. While there are other number systems in existence, the decimal system has become the default choice in society. The reason behind this can be attributed to the fact that humans have two hands (and two feet) with five fingers on each, making counting from 1 to 10 a natural process. Once you reach 10, you start over to reach 20, and so on....