How to Determine if a Date is Today in JavaScript

Discover an easy way to determine if a Date object represents the current date and time. To determine if a JavaScript Date object instance represents the current date, you can compare the day, month, and year of the date to the current day, month, and year. This can be achieved using the getDate(), getMonth(), and getFullYear() methods of the Date object. The current date can be obtained by using new Date()....

How to Get the Current Timestamp in JavaScript

Discover the different methods JavaScript provides for generating the current UNIX timestamp. The UNIX timestamp is an integer that represents the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970. On UNIX-like machines, such as Linux and macOS, you can easily find the UNIX timestamp by typing date +%s in the terminal: $ date +%s 1524379940 In JavaScript, the current timestamp can be obtained by calling the now() method on the Date object:...

How to Get the Month Name from a JavaScript Date

When working with a JavaScript Date object instance, you may sometimes need to extract the name of the month. This can be done easily using the toLocaleString() method, which is part of JavaScript’s internationalization methods. To obtain the month name in your current locale, you can follow these steps: Create a Date object: const today = new Date(); Use the toLocaleString() method with the month option set to 'long': today.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'long' }); This will return the full month name based on your current locale....