How to Style DOM Elements Using JavaScript

In this blog post, we will explore different ways to apply styling to DOM elements dynamically using plain JavaScript. Whether you need to change the color, border, or any other CSS property of an element, we’ve got you covered. Adding and Removing Classes One of the cleanest approaches to styling elements is by using classes in your CSS. To apply or remove classes from an element, you can utilize the classList property along with its add() and remove() methods....

How to Use Custom Fonts with Tailwind CSS

If you’re using Tailwind CSS in your app, you may want to use custom fonts to enhance the visual appeal of your website. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to incorporate custom fonts into your Tailwind CSS project. First, assuming that you have already configured your app to use Tailwind CSS, you will have a CSS file that contains the following code: @tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; To begin, navigate to Google Fonts (or any other font provider of your choice) and select the font you’d like to use....

Styling Next.js components using CSS

In Next.js, we have the freedom to choose any library for styling React components. However, Next.js comes with its own built-in library called styled-jsx which offers scoped CSS. This allows us to write CSS that only affects the specific component it is applied to, making it easier to maintain. To add CSS to a React component in Next.js, we need to insert it inside a <style jsx> block in the JSX code....

Using the router to detect the active link in Next.js

When working with links in Next.js, it’s important to determine the current URL and assign a class to the active link so that it can be styled differently. This is particularly useful in the site header. Unfortunately, the default Link component provided by next/link doesn’t handle this automatically. However, there are two techniques that we can use to achieve this behavior. The first technique is to add the logic to the children of the Link component....