Communication Between Vue.js Components

Discover the different ways to make components communicate in a Vue.js application. Props The first way is by using props. With props, parents pass data down to their child components by adding arguments to the component declaration. For example: <template> <div> <Car color="green" /> </div> </template> <script> import Car from './components/Car' export default { name: 'App', components: { Car } } </script> Props are one-way, meaning data flows from the parent to the child....

Electronic Components: Understanding the 1602 LCD Display

The 1602 LCD display is a widely used alphanumeric display that consists of two lines, each capable of displaying 16 characters. Its versatility makes it suitable for various applications, including vending machines and train stations. While it is commonly included in Arduino kits, the instructions provided here can be applied to any LCD display that has a 16-pin interface compatible with the Hitachi HD44780 LCD controller. To control the display, the LiquidCrystal Arduino library emulates the Hitachi HD44780 LCD controller....

How to Export Functions and Variables from a Svelte Component

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to export functions and variables from a Svelte component. By exporting additional elements from a component, you can provide other components the ability to access and use them. Let’s dive in! To begin, you may already be familiar with importing a Svelte component into another component using the following syntax: <script> import Button from './Button.svelte'; </script> But what if you want to export something more than just the default export?...

Styling Vue.js Components Using CSS

In this tutorial, we will explore various options to style Vue.js components using CSS. Please note that this tutorial assumes the use of Vue.js Single File Components. The simplest way to add CSS to a Vue.js component is by using the style tag, similar to HTML. Here’s an example: <template> <p style="text-decoration: underline">Hi!</p> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { decoration: 'underline' } } } </script> This method allows for static styling....

Svelte Slots: Creating Composable Components

Slots in Svelte provide a powerful way to define components that can be easily composed together or configured when imported. In this blog, we will explore how slots work in Svelte and how you can leverage them to create dynamic and reusable components. Defining Slots To define a slot in a component, you can use the <slot /> or <slot></slot> syntax. For example, let’s consider a Button.svelte component that outputs a <button> HTML tag:...

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering React

React, the popular JavaScript library, has revolutionized the world of visual interface development. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, learning React can take your skills to the next level. In this blog, we will explore why React is so widely used and how it can solve common development problems. Developed by Facebook and released in 2013, React has become the backbone of numerous applications, including Facebook and Instagram. Its success lies in its ability to simplify user interface development by breaking it down into manageable components....

Using the router to detect the active link in Next.js

When working with links in Next.js, it’s important to determine the current URL and assign a class to the active link so that it can be styled differently. This is particularly useful in the site header. Unfortunately, the default Link component provided by next/link doesn’t handle this automatically. However, there are two techniques that we can use to achieve this behavior. The first technique is to add the logic to the children of the Link component....

Vue.js Components

Components are individual units of an interface that can have their own state, markup, and style. How to Use Components Vue components can be defined in four main ways. Let’s take a look at each of them: 1. Instantiating a Vue instance: new Vue({ /* options */ }) 2. Using Vue.component(): Vue.component('component-name', { /* options */ }) 3. Using local components: Local components are only accessible by a specific component and not available elsewhere, making them great for encapsulation....

What to Buy to Get Started with Arduino and Electronics

In my Electronics tutorial series, I use a set of tools that I have acquired over time. If you’re looking to get started with the experiments I do, I can provide some recommendations on what to buy. When it comes to Arduino, I highly recommend purchasing original Arduino parts to support the project and its ecosystem. However, when starting out, buying individual components can be costly. That’s why I suggest looking for kits that come with a variety of components all at once....