Python Docstrings: Improve Code Documentation and Enhance Readability

Docstrings play a crucial role in documenting code, serving as a means of communication not only to other developers but also to yourself. When revisiting your code months or years later, it may be challenging to recall every detail. Therefore, clear and concise documentation becomes invaluable. While comments are commonly used for explanatory text, docstrings offer more structured and automated processing. Here’s how you can utilize docstrings in your code:...

Should I include comments in my code?

Opinions on commenting code can vary widely, often leaving beginners unsure of how many comments to add and what to write in them. However, in my experience, it is important to include comments, but only as sparingly as possible to explain your decision-making process. Ideally, your code should be self-explanatory. High-level languages like JavaScript and Python are designed to be readable, with variables and methods being named in a way that resembles plain English....

The PEP8 Python Style Guide: Writing Code with Conventions

When writing code, it is essential to follow the conventions of the programming language you are using. Adhering to these conventions not only helps you understand code written by others but also makes your code more readable for others. In the context of Python, the language defines its conventions in the PEP8 style guide. PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposals, which is the platform for discussing and enhancing the Python language....