Keep Your Code Clean with ESLint

Learn the basics of ESLint, the most popular JavaScript linter that can help you adhere to syntax conventions, identify potential problems in your code, and enforce a set of standards defined by you or your team. What is a Linter? A linter is a tool that identifies issues in your code. When you run a linter against your code, it can tell you if your code follows specific syntax conventions, contains potential sources of problems, and matches a set of defined standards....

Passing undefined to JavaScript Immediately-invoked Function Expressions

In older code, you may come across a situation where undefined is intentionally passed to a function. Why was this done? I stumbled upon this interesting technique while watching the well-known Paul Irish video about the jQuery source code. This video is from a different era, being 9 years old at the time of writing, and the jQuery source code has since changed, so you won’t find this trick in there anymore....