How to Add Comments in Svelte Templates

Adding comments to your code is an essential practice for documenting, clarifying, and organizing your codebase. In this blog post, we will explore how to add comments in Svelte templates and discuss the benefits of using comments in your Svelte projects. Adding HTML Comments In HTML, you can add comments using the following syntax: <!-- a comment here --> Using HTML comments, you can hide elements or blocks of code from being displayed on the page....

Python Modules: Organizing and Reusing Code

Python modules play a crucial role in organizing and reusing code in your programs. By breaking down your code into modules, you can promote better organization and facilitate code reuse, making your code more manageable and maintainable. In Python, every file can be treated as a module. To use a module from another file, you can import it into your current file. Typically, one file serves as the entry point of your program, while the other files act as modules, exposing functions that can be called from different files....