Basic Input/Output (I/O) Concepts in C

Learn how to perform input/output using printf and scanf functions in C. C is a small language, and the core of C does not include any built-in Input/Output (I/O) functionality. However, the C Standard Library provides I/O functions through the stdio.h header file. To use these functions, include the stdio.h header file in your C file: #include <stdio.h> Using this library, you have access to functions such as printf(), scanf(), sscanf(), fgets(), and fprintf()....

C Conversion Specifiers and Modifiers: A Handy Reference

In this blog post, we will provide a helpful reference for all the C conversion specifiers commonly used with functions like printf(), scanf(), and other I/O functions. Specifier Meaning %d / %i Signed decimal integer %u Unsigned decimal integer %c Unsigned char %s String %p Pointer in hexadecimal form %o Unsigned octal integer %x / %X Unsigned hexadecimal number %e Floating point number in exponential format in e notation %E Floating point number in exponential format in E notation %f double number in decimal format %g / %G double number in decimal format or exponential format, depending on the value In addition to these specifiers, we have a set of modifiers....

C Global Variables: Understanding the Difference

In the previous blog post on C variables and types, we explored the basics of working with variables. Now, let’s dive deeper into the world of variables and understand the distinction between global and local variables. A local variable is defined inside a function and is accessible only within that function. For example: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { char j = 0; j += 10; printf("%u", j); // Output: 10 } In this case, variable j is confined within the main function and cannot be accessed outside of it....

C Structures: An Introduction

C Structures are a powerful feature in the C programming language that allow you to create complex data structures using basic C types. Unlike arrays, which are limited to a single type, structures can store values of different types, making them highly versatile in many use cases. To define a structure, you use the struct keyword followed by the name of the structure and a set of curly brackets {}. Inside the curly brackets, you can declare variables of different types that will make up the structure....

Can You Nest Functions in C?

In this blog post, we will explore the topic of nesting functions in C and whether it is a possibility. Nesting functions refers to the act of defining functions inside other functions, which is a common practice in languages like JavaScript, Swift, and Python. However, in the case of C and C++, this option is not available. Unlike many other programming languages, C does not support the nesting of functions. It is not permissible to define functions inside other functions in C....

Exploring the typedef Keyword in C

In this blog post, we will dive into the typedef keyword in C and understand its usage and benefits. The typedef keyword allows C developers to define new types based on existing ones. By using this keyword, we can create more descriptive and meaningful names for our data types. Let’s start with the syntax of typedef: typedef existingtype NEWTYPE; The new type we define is typically written in uppercase letters to make it easily distinguishable as a custom type....

How to Determine the Length of an Array in C

Determining the length of an array in C can be a bit tricky since C does not provide a built-in way to do it. However, there are a few approaches you can take to get the desired result. First, let’s discuss the simplest way to determine the length of an array: saving the length in a variable. This method involves defining a variable and using it to specify the size of the array....

Introduction to C Arrays: A Comprehensive Guide

In this blog post, we will provide an introduction to C arrays and explore their functionality. Arrays in C are variables that can store multiple values of the same data type. Whether you need an array of integers or an array of doubles, C has got you covered. To define an array of integers, for example, you can use the following code snippet: int prices[5]; It is important to note that the size of the array must always be specified when declaring it....

Introduction to C Enumerated Types

C Enumerated Types are a powerful feature of the C programming language that allow developers to define custom types that can have a limited set of possible values. By using the typedef and enum keywords, we can create these types, making our code more readable and expressive. To define an enumerated type, we use the following syntax: typedef enum { // ...values } TYPENAME; It is a convention to name the enumerated type in uppercase letters....

Introduction to C Strings: A Comprehensive Guide

In the world of C programming, strings are a special type of array. Specifically, a string is an array of char values. If you’re new to arrays, you can think of them as a collection of similar elements. Let’s start with the basics. In C, you can declare a string by specifying the number of characters it can hold, like so: char name[7]; In this example, name is an array of characters that can hold up to 7 elements....