How to Set Up Tailwind with PurgeCSS and PostCSS

In this blog post, I will explain how to set up your workflow to trim the Tailwind CSS using PurgeCSS and a simple PostCSS setup. This setup does not involve webpack and can be used with any kind of project. To start, you need to install Tailwind using npm or yarn: npm init -y npm install tailwindcss Next, create a configuration file by running this command: npx tailwind init This will create a tailwind....

The Evolution of JavaScript in the Last Decade

Looking back at the last decade of JavaScript and the evolution of the web, it has been a truly remarkable journey. In 2010, JavaScript wasn’t as widely used as it is today. While I had JavaScript books from as early as 1998 in my library, I mainly used it in the form of Mootools and jQuery plugins. Although I wrote some glue code in JavaScript, it wasn’t anything groundbreaking. Back then, JavaScript was not considered a hot language, except for projects like GMail and Google Maps that required advanced work and large budgets....