Is Blogging Still Relevant in Today's Digital Landscape?

In today’s digital world, where social media and large platforms dominate the online space, it’s natural to wonder if blogging still holds relevance. With numerous websites already in existence, can the underdog still find a place on the internet? The answer, quite simply, is yes. There is always room for more content creators in any medium. Consider this: for every 100 people, there is less than one person creating content. This applies to all forms of media consumption, whether it’s television, radio, or newspapers....

Setting Goals for Your Blog: A Path to Success

Starting a blog can serve various purposes, depending on your personal goals and aspirations. Each blogger has their own unique ambitions, motivations, and starting points. In this article, we will explore different goals you can set for your blog and how it can help you achieve them. 1. Getting Your First Job If you are a budding Junior Frontend Developer preparing for your first rounds of interviews, starting a blog can be a fantastic way to support your job search....

The Importance of Owning Your Platform: A Guide for Bloggers

Your blog is not just a website, it’s your operational center, your headquarters. It’s the place where you build your future and connect with your audience. While social media platforms and other forms of online presence are important tools, they should ultimately lead back to your own site. When it comes to building your website, the technology you choose doesn’t matter as much as having complete ownership and control over your platform....

The Journey of Becoming a Content Creator: A Personal Account

In this day and age, the term “content creator” is commonly used to describe individuals who work independently on the internet, making a living through various informational and content-related pursuits. While I personally don’t consider myself a content creator per se, I do see myself as a creator of educational products. In 2021, being a blogger and course creator has become my full-time job. So, how did I end up here?...

The Ups and Downs of Blogging: Navigating Challenges and Finding Success

Blogging is an exciting journey, but it’s not without its challenges. As a blogger, you may face writer’s block, imposter syndrome, the pressure of working in public, burnout, and dealing with trolls and negative feedback. In addition, it can be a lonely process, and success takes time and patience. However, by understanding and preparing for these challenges, you can navigate them and find satisfaction in your blogging journey. Overcoming Writer’s Block Writer’s block is a common hurdle for bloggers....

Welcome to My Digital Garden: A Unique Approach to Blogging

Recently, I came across the concept of Digital Gardens on HN through Joel Hooks’ thought-provoking blog post titled “My blog is a digital garden, not a blog.”. It piqued my interest and introduced me to this fascinating idea. On my website, you’ll find a diverse range of content. It serves as a collection of tutorials, offers free books, and represents the platform where I curate ideas every single day. Think of it as a garden in the digital realm, which, like its real-world counterpart, requires constant care and attention to thrive....

Why Choose a Blog Instead of Videos or Podcasts?

In recent years, the popularity of videos and podcasts has skyrocketed. The allure of becoming a YouTuber or hosting a podcast has captivated many, particularly the younger generation. While both videos and podcasts have their merits, there are certain drawbacks to consider when deciding on the best platform for sharing your content. One key issue with podcasts is their discoverability. Unless a podcast is mentioned or recommended somewhere, or if you hear of it through word of mouth, it can be challenging to stumble upon new podcasts....

Why Should You Have a Blog?

While browsing Hacker News, I came across a thought-provoking question: Why have a blog? Why maintain a public website for others to read? I have been blogging since 2007 in various forms, starting with an Italian web development blog, then abandoning it, and finally restarting in English with no serious intentions. However, in 2018, I embraced blogging wholeheartedly. Over the past 5 years, I have consistently maintained my blog, apart from occasional breaks to focus on other projects....