How to Utilize Environment Variables in Netlify Functions

A concise guide on effectively using environment variables in Netlify functions. To utilize environment variables in your Netlify Functions, you can access the process.env variable: process.env.YOUR_VARIABLE To enhance code readability, you can use object destructuring at the beginning of your JavaScript file: const { YOUR_VARIABLE } = process.env; Then, you can simply use the YOUR_VARIABLE throughout the rest of your program. To set the variables, you can do so through the Netlify administration interface (although you can also add them in your repository, it is recommended to use the Netlify UI to avoid exposing secrets in your Git repository)....

Understanding GB-Seconds in AWS Terminology: Explained!

If you’re into serverless computing with AWS Lambda, you’ve likely come across the term “GB-seconds.” But what exactly does it mean? And how does it affect your usage on the platform? In simple terms, GB-seconds refer to the measurement of your function’s runtime in relation to the amount of memory it consumes. To put it into context, AWS Lambda provides users with 1 million free requests per month, as well as 400,000 GB-seconds....

What is Serverless and Why Should You Care?

Serverless is a term that refers to a specific way of running programs without the need to manage your own server. Instead, you create a function and store it on a cloud server, which gives you a URL to call whenever you want to execute that function. The beauty of serverless computing is that someone else takes care of server management, scaling, and security, eliminating the need for you to worry about tasks like kernel updates or transitioning to the latest long-term support (LTS) release of your Linux distribution....