The DataView Object: What it is and How to Use it

Learn about the DataView object and its usage The DataView object is a view into an ArrayBuffer, similar to Typed Arrays. However, the items in the array can have different sizes and types. Let’s explore how to use it with an example: const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(64) const view = new DataView(buffer) When creating a DataView, we can specify the starting byte and the length of the view: const view = new DataView(buffer, 10) //start at byte 10 const view = new DataView(buffer, 10, 30) //start at byte 10, and add 30 items If no additional arguments are provided, the view starts at position 0 and includes all the bytes in the buffer....

Typed Arrays: A Guide to Understanding and Using Them

Typed Arrays are a powerful feature in JavaScript that allow you to work with data in a more efficient and controlled manner. In this article, we will explore what Typed Arrays are and how to use them effectively. The Basics JavaScript provides eight types of Typed Arrays: Int8Array: an array of 8-bit signed integers Int16Array: an array of 16-bit signed integers Int32Array: an array of 32-bit signed integers Uint8Array: an array of 8-bit unsigned integers Uint16Array: an array of 16-bit unsigned integers Uint32Array: an array of 32-bit unsigned integers Float32Array: an array of 32-bit floating point numbers Float64Array: an array of 64-bit floating point numbers All Typed Array types are instances of the ArrayBufferView class, which allows you to view and manipulate data stored in an ArrayBuffer....

Understanding the ArrayBuffer: What it is and how to use it

In JavaScript, an ArrayBuffer is a data structure that represents a collection of bytes in memory. Similar to a Blob, which represents data available on disk, an ArrayBuffer serves as an opaque representation of bytes available in memory. To create an ArrayBuffer, you need to provide its length in bytes as a parameter in the constructor. Here’s an example: const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(64); Once you have an ArrayBuffer, you can access its length in bytes using the byteLength property, which is read-only....