How to Return Multiple Values from a Function in JavaScript

Functions in JavaScript can only return a single value using the return statement. So, how can we simulate returning multiple values from a function? When we have the need to return multiple values, we can utilize a couple of tricks to achieve this. Option 1: Returning an Array One simple approach is to return an array from the function: const getDetails = () => { return [37, 'Flavio']; }; To access the returned values, we can use array destructuring:...

JavaScript Return Values: Understanding the Basics

In JavaScript, every function has a return value, even if it is not explicitly specified. By default, if no return statement is provided, the return value is undefined. However, you can use the return keyword to specify the value that should be returned. For example: const doSomething = () => { return 'test'; } const result = doSomething(); // result === 'test' In this example, the function doSomething returns the string 'test'....