Angular: Exploring a Popular JavaScript Framework

If you’re searching for Angular tutorials and resources, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll briefly discuss Angular and why it’s worth considering for your next web development project. Algolia, the powerful search engine that fuels our website, has shown us that there is a significant demand for Angular-related content. While we haven’t written extensively about Angular in the past, we believe it’s important to address this popular JavaScript framework....

The Evolution of JavaScript in the Last Decade

Looking back at the last decade of JavaScript and the evolution of the web, it has been a truly remarkable journey. In 2010, JavaScript wasn’t as widely used as it is today. While I had JavaScript books from as early as 1998 in my library, I mainly used it in the form of Mootools and jQuery plugins. Although I wrote some glue code in JavaScript, it wasn’t anything groundbreaking. Back then, JavaScript was not considered a hot language, except for projects like GMail and Google Maps that required advanced work and large budgets....