
VS Code, also known as VSCode, is a powerful editor that has gained a lot of popularity among developers. In this article, we will explore why VS Code is growing in popularity and highlight its main features.

Should I Switch to VS Code? And Why?

If you are wondering whether you should switch to VS Code, the answer is yes. Let me explain why. VS Code is built on decades of editor experience from Microsoft. It is completely open source and free to use. It is also cross-platform, which means it works on Mac, Windows, and Linux. VS Code is built using Node.js and can be extended using JavaScript, making it a great choice for JavaScript developers. Speed is one of the standout features of VS Code, and it has won the hearts of the development community. It comes with a wide range of extensions, both official and community-driven, and Microsoft releases regular updates to keep the platform innovative and stable.

Getting Started

To get started with VS Code, you can visit the official website at and download the latest stable release of the editor. Once you have installed VS Code, you will see a welcome screen with a toolbar on the left side. This toolbar provides access to various features of the editor, such as the file explorer, search, source control, debugger, and extensions.


The explorer is where you can browse and manage your files and folders. To open a folder in the explorer, you can click the “Open Folder” button in the sidebar or use the “Open folder…” link in the welcome page. Once you have opened a folder, its contents will be displayed in the explorer view. You can navigate through the files and folders and open files for editing. VS Code also provides useful commands and shortcuts for quick operations, such as navigating across large projects and hiding the sidebar.

The search feature in VS Code allows you to search for specific text or files within your project. You can click the search icon in the toolbar to open the search interface. From there, you can enter your search query and customize the search options, such as case sensitivity and using regular expressions. VS Code also provides advanced search and replace capabilities, allowing you to include or exclude specific files from the search.

Source Control

VS Code has built-in support for Git, enabling you to manage your source code directly within the editor. You can access the source control tab by clicking the third icon in the toolbar. From there, you can initialize a Git repository, commit changes, and perform various Git operations. VS Code also provides a range of options for interacting with Git, such as branching, tagging, and pushing changes to remote repositories.


The debugger in VS Code allows you to debug your code and track down issues. To access the debugger, click the fourth icon in the toolbar. The VS Code debugger supports various programming languages and comes with a set of powerful debugging features. You can set breakpoints, step through your code, inspect variables, and more. It is recommended to refer to the official documentation for detailed instructions on how to use the debugger for your specific programming language.


Extensions are one of the highlights of VS Code. They allow you to enhance the functionality of the editor and tailor it to your specific needs. There are thousands of extensions available, both official and community-driven, covering a wide range of use cases. To access the extensions marketplace, click the fifth icon in the toolbar. From there, you can browse the available extensions, install them, and manage their settings. It is worth noting that installing too many extensions can impact the performance of the editor, so it is recommended to disable or enable extensions as needed.

The Terminal

VS Code comes with an integrated terminal, allowing you to run command line operations within the editor. You can activate the terminal by clicking “View” > “Integrated Terminal” or using the shortcut CMD+`. The terminal supports multiple tabs, allowing you to run multiple commands simultaneously. This is particularly useful for web development, where you often need to run commands like npm or yarn in the background.

The Command Palette

The command palette is a powerful tool in VS Code that provides quick access to various commands and features. To open the command palette, you can click “View” > “Command Palette” or use the shortcut CMD+SHIFT+P. The command palette displays a list of commands based on your installed extensions and recent command usage. You can search for commands, run them, and customize your editor settings from the command palette. It is a great way to discover and access the many features of VS Code.


VS Code allows you to customize the appearance of the editor using themes. Themes define the color scheme and visual style of the editor interface. To change the theme, you can click “CMD-k” + “CMD-t” or invoke the “Preferences: Color Theme” command from the command palette. VS Code comes with a set of built-in themes, and you can also install additional themes from the extensions marketplace. Themes can greatly enhance the coding experience and make the editor more visually appealing.


In addition to themes, VS Code provides various customization options. You can tailor the editor settings to your preferences and workflow. To access the customization options, click “Preferences” > “Settings” (or use the shortcut CMD+,). VS Code allows you to customize both user-level and workspace-level settings. User-level settings apply globally to all your projects, while workspace-level settings are specific to a particular project. You can configure options such as editor behavior, formatting preferences, language-specific settings, and more. VS Code also supports custom keybindings and snippets, allowing you to define your own shortcuts and code templates.

Nice Configuration Options

VS Code offers a wide range of configuration options that allow you to fine-tune the editor to your liking. Some useful configuration options include:

  • Disabling the minimap to remove the right side bar.
  • Turning off confirmation prompts when deleting files or dragging and dropping files.
  • Enabling automatic code formatting on save and paste.
  • Enabling formatting for JavaScript code.
  • Trimming trailing whitespace in files.
  • Using the Alt key for selecting multiple lines.
  • Adapting to the indentation style of the file.
  • Showing code suggestions immediately.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more configuration options available in VS Code.

The Best Font for Coding

The choice of font can greatly impact your coding experience. One popular font among developers is Fira Code. It is a free font that includes programming ligatures, which replace commonly used constructs with visually appealing symbols. To use Fira Code in VS Code, you need to install the font and add the following configuration in your settings:

"editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code",
"editor.fontLigatures": true

By enabling Fira Code and ligatures, you can enhance the readability and aesthetics of your code.


VS Code provides the concept of workspaces, which allow you to manage settings and configurations on a per-project basis. With workspaces, you can override user-level settings with specific settings for each project. To create a workspace, you can save the current folder as a workspace using the “File” > “Save Workspace as…” menu. Workspaces are particularly useful when you work on projects with different requirements or coding styles. You can also add multiple root folders to a workspace, allowing you to work on multiple projects simultaneously.



VS Code provides IntelliSense, a powerful autocomplete and code suggestion feature. IntelliSense is available for supported languages, such as JavaScript, JSON, HTML, CSS, Less, Sass, and TypeScript. It suggests functions, parameters, and other code elements as you type, making coding faster and more efficient.

Code Formatting

VS Code supports automatic code formatting for various programming languages. You can use the “Format Document” and “Format Selection” commands from the command palette to format your code automatically. By default, VS Code provides formatting support for HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, and JSON. You can also install extensions for additional language support or customize the formatting options to suit your preferences.

Errors and Warnings

VS Code highlights errors and warnings in your code using a bar on the right side of the editor. This bar helps to identify potential issues and improve code quality. You can click on the warnings to navigate to the corresponding code location or access the problems view. The problems view provides a comprehensive list of errors and warnings in your project, allowing you to easily manage and fix them.

Keyboard Shortcuts

VS Code offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts to boost your productivity. Many operations can be performed using keyboard shortcuts, saving you time and effort. You can refer to the official shortcuts cheat sheet for a complete list of keyboard shortcuts. It is also possible to customize the shortcuts or use keymaps from other popular editors.


VS Code is a powerful and versatile editor that offers a wide range of features and customization options. It has gained significant popularity among developers due to its speed, extensibility, and ease of use. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, VS Code can greatly enhance your coding experience. Give it a try and explore its features, extensions, and customization options to make it your own.

Tags: VS Code, editor, development, programming, productivity