Enumerations are a fundamental concept in Swift that allows developers to group a set of different options under a common name. In this tutorial, we will explore the various features and capabilities of Swift enumerations.

Creating Enumerations

To create an enumeration in Swift, you define a new enum keyword followed by a name for the enumeration. For example, let’s create an Animal enumeration:

enum Animal {
    case dog
    case cat
    case mouse
    case horse

In the above example, we have defined an Animal enum with four different cases: dog, cat, mouse, and horse. Each case represents a different option or value that an Animal can be.

Assigning and Using Enum Values

Once we have defined an enumeration, we can assign its values to variables or constants using the dot notation. For example:

var animal: Animal
animal = .dog

In the above example, we have declared a variable animal of type Animal and assigned it the value .dog.

We can use enumerations in control structures like switch statements to perform different actions based on the selected case. For example:

let animal = Animal.dog

switch animal {
case .dog: 
    print("It's a dog!")
case .cat: 
    print("It's a cat!")
    print("It's another animal.")

Enumerations with Different Value Types

Enumerations in Swift can also have associated values of different types. For example, we can define an Animal enum with associated string values:

enum Animal {
    case dog(name: String)
    case cat(name: String)
    case mouse
    case horse

In the above example, the dog and cat cases have an associated value of type String, representing the name of the animal.

Raw Values for Enum Cases

Swift enumerations can also have raw values assigned to each case. Raw values can be of any type, such as strings, characters, or numbers. To define raw values for enum cases, we can use the colon notation. For example:

enum Animal: Int {
    case dog = 1
    case cat = 2
    case mouse = 3
    case horse = 4

In this example, the Animal enum has been assigned raw values of type Int for each case. The raw values start from 1 and increment by 1 for each subsequent case.

We can access the raw value of an enumeration using its rawValue property. For example:

enum Animal: Int {
    case dog = 1
    case cat = 2
    case mouse = 3
    case horse = 4

var animal: Animal
animal = .dog

animal.rawValue // Output: 1

Enumeration as Value Types

Swift enumerations are value types, which means they are copied when passed to a function or returned from a function. When we assign a variable that points to an enumeration to another variable, it creates a separate copy.

This behavior ensures that each enumeration value is treated as a unique instance and can be safely modified without affecting other instances.


Swift enumerations are a powerful way to group and represent a set of different options or values under a common name. With the ability to have associated values and raw values, enumeration types offer tremendous flexibility in programming. By understanding the features and capabilities of Swift enumerations, you can effectively utilize them in your code to create more expressive and maintainable solutions.