
We often overlook the power of software, assuming that what we know is common knowledge. However, recognizing the potential that software provides is essential. It not only enables us to create software but also empowers us through the tools and platforms available. With the rise of advanced no-code and low-code solutions, individuals who aren’t experienced coders can harness the power of software. Even as a developer, I rely on these tools to automate tasks and expand my reach, thereby unlocking my potential in the digital realm.

Leveraging Automation

Whenever I find myself repeatedly performing a task, my focus shifts towards creating a system. This system eliminates the need for manual intervention, allowing me to invest my time in more critical endeavors. As a one-person business, I have harnessed the power of automation. Little robots run tirelessly, carrying out various tasks around the clock, saving me energy and time. These tasks may seem simple, but their cumulative impact enables me to concentrate on the bigger picture.

Thinking in Systems

Thinking in systems is a vital skill connected to automation. By building interconnected automations, I have created a network that works tirelessly for me, even when I am not actively involved. This system functions while I sleep, go on vacation, or engage in physical activities. This level of flexibility and efficiency was once a distant dream, leading people to rely on labor or expensive machinery. However, due to recent strides in technology, particularly with the accessibility of powerful computational devices, we now have the opportunity to bring this dream to fruition. It is essential to grasp and capitalize on this possibility.

Learning and Adapting

Recognizing the potential that software provides is just the starting point. It is a skill that can be learned over time through dedicated study and practice. Personally, I rely on various platforms to enhance my skills. I prefer lean and small systems, similar to microservices. When an event is triggered, information is seamlessly sent to my automated service, which promptly carries out its designated task. If a failure occurs, troubleshooting is simplified with the aid of my centralized logging platform, providing me with insight into what went wrong and why. This level of autonomy and access to information enables me to thrive as a solopreneur in the digital landscape.


Software is not just a tool; it is a superpower that enables us to achieve great things. Whether you are a coder or not, software empowers you to automate tasks, streamline processes, and unleash your potential. Embrace the incredible set of tools and platforms available to you and embark on a journey of continual learning and growth. You have the power to shape your digital destiny.