Redis Sets have two main differences compared to lists: they are not ordered and they only hold each item once.
To create a set, use the command SADD <setkey> <value>
. You can use the same command to add more items to the set. For example:
SADD names "Flavio"
SADD names "Roger"
SADD names "Tony" "Mark" "Jane"
To retrieve all the items in a set, use the command SMEMBERS <setkey>
. You can also use the command SISMEMBER
to check if a value is present in the set. For example:
SISMEMBER names "Flavio"
To determine the number of items in a set, use the command SCARD
SCARD names
To get a random item from the set without removing it, use the command SRANDMEMBER
. If you want to extract and remove an item from the set in a casual order, use the command SPOP
. You can extract multiple items at once by specifying the number of items. For example:
SPOP names
SPOP names 2
To remove an item from a set by value, use the command SREM
SREM names "Flavio"
To retrieve the items that are present in two different sets, excluding elements that are only included in one set, use the command SINTER
. For example:
SINTER set1 set2
For a comprehensive list of set commands, refer to the Redis documentation.