When it comes to debugging a React application, there are a few tools that can help you identify and solve problems. In this blog post, I will discuss some of these tools and how you can use them effectively.

One of the best tools available for debugging React applications is the React Developer Tools. This browser extension allows you to inspect and analyze React apps with ease. If you are interested in learning more about this tool, I highly recommend checking out my dedicated blog post on React Developer Tools.

In addition to the React Developer Tools, I want to highlight two other ways to debug Next.js apps.

  1. Console Logging: Using the console.log() function and other Console API tools can be very helpful in debugging Next.js applications. It’s worth noting that the behavior of console logging depends on how the Next app is loaded. If the page loads from the server, the log statements will appear in the terminal. However, if the page transitions are initiated by clicking on links, the logging will happen inside the browser console. So, if you are not seeing the expected logging, make sure to check the right place.

  2. Debugger Statement: Another essential tool for debugging React applications is the debugger statement. Placing this statement in your component’s code will pause the browser, allowing you to inspect the current state of your app. This can be particularly useful for identifying and fixing issues step by step. For more in-depth guidance on how to use these tools effectively, I recommend referring to my comprehensive guide on debugging JavaScript.

If you are using Next.js, there is an additional debugging option available. The VS Code debugger can be used to debug server-side code. To set this up, you can follow the instructions provided in this tutorial.

By leveraging these tools, you can significantly improve your ability to debug React applications and streamline the development process.