I encountered an issue with Prisma that took up some of my time, so I wanted to share how I resolved it.

In my model, I didn’t have an id field marked with @id, so I added @@unique() to define the user and tweet fields as a unique constraint.

model Like {
  user Int
  tweet Int
  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  @@unique([user, tweet])

This means that we cannot have duplicate entries with the same (user, tweet) combination.

When I attempted to delete an entry using the following code:

await prisma.like.delete({
  where: {
    user: 1,
    tweet: 1

I encountered an error message:

Invalid `prisma.like.delete()` invocation:

  where: {
    user: 12,
    tweet: 22

Argument where of type LikeWhereUniqueInput needs exactly one argument, but you provided user and tweet. Please choose one. Available args: 
type LikeWhereUniqueInput {
  user_tweet?: LikeUserTweetCompoundUniqueInput

To resolve this, I had to modify the code as follows:

await prisma.like.delete({
  where: {
    user_tweet: {
      user: 1,
      tweet: 1

In other words, I had to concatenate the unique fields with an underscore.

Looking back, the error message did provide some explanation, but it wasn’t immediately clear to me.