JavaScript Object Properties: Understanding and Utilizing Them Efficiently

Tags: JavaScript, Object Properties, Dot Notation, Square Brackets, Delete Property, Undefined, Immutable Object, Count Properties, Check Undefined Property JavaScript objects are made up of properties, which consist of a label associated with a value. Understanding how to work with object properties is crucial for effective JavaScript programming. In this blog post, we will explore different syntaxes and techniques to retrieve, set, and remove properties in JavaScript objects. Let’s get started!...

JavaScript Object: A Comprehensive Reference

In this blog post, we will discuss the properties and methods of the JavaScript Object built-in object. An object in JavaScript is any value that is not of a primitive type. Even arrays or functions are actually objects under the hood. There are multiple ways to create an object in JavaScript: Using object literal syntax: const person = {} typeof person //object Using the Object global function: const person = Object() typeof person //object Using the Object constructor: const person = new Object() typeof person //object Using Object....

JavaScript Operators: Understanding and Using Them for Complex Expressions

JavaScript operators are essential elements that allow developers to work with simple expressions and combine them to form more complex expressions. By using various operators, you can manipulate, compare, and assign values in your JavaScript code. Classifying Operators Based on Operands Operators can be classified based on the number of operands they work with. Operators with Two Operands The majority of operators in JavaScript work with two operands. These include:...

JavaScript Optional Chaining

The optional chaining operator is a valuable tool for working with objects and their properties or methods. In JavaScript, you can use the optional chaining operator to check if an object exists and then access one of its properties. This helps you avoid errors when working with null or undefined values. For example, let’s say we have a variable car that is null: const car = null; const color = car && car....

JavaScript Private Class Fields: Enforcing Encapsulation

In this blog post, we’ll explore the introduction of private class fields in JavaScript and how they can be used to enforce private properties within a class. Before the availability of private class fields, developers would rely on naming conventions to indicate that a property is intended to be private. For example, prefixing the property with an underscore (_) was commonly used. However, these conventions were not strictly enforced and the private properties could still be accessed from outside the class....

JavaScript Proxy Objects: Enhancing Object Behavior with Proxies

Introduction In JavaScript, we have the ability to create proxy objects which can intercept and modify the behavior of an existing object. This powerful feature is made possible through the use of the Proxy native object, introduced in ES2015. Creating a Proxy Object To create a proxy object, we start with an existing object that we want to enhance. Let’s consider a simple example where we have a car object:...

JavaScript Recursion: Solving Problems in a Neat Way

In JavaScript, recursion refers to the ability of a function to call itself. This powerful concept allows us to solve problems in a clean and efficient way. To implement recursion, you need to use a named function expression. Let’s dive into its basics. Consider the simple example of calculating the factorial of a number. The factorial of a number is obtained by multiplying it with all the positive integers less than itself....

JavaScript Reference: Number Properties and Methods

In this article, we will explore the properties and methods of the JavaScript Number built-in object. A number value can be created using a number literal syntax, like this: const age = 36 typeof age // "number" Alternatively, you can use the Number global function to generate a number value: const age = Number(36) typeof age // "number" When using the new keyword with the Number function, an instance of the Number object is returned instead:...

JavaScript Reference: String

Learn about the various properties and methods of the JavaScript String object. The String object has a static method called String.fromCharCode() that allows you to create a string representation from a sequence of Unicode characters. You can use this method to build a simple string using ASCII codes. Example: String.fromCodePoint(70, 108, 97, 118, 105, 111) //'Flavio' You can also use octal or hexadecimal numbers: Example: String.fromCodePoint(0x46, 0154, parseInt(141, 8), 118, 105, 111) //'Flavio' All the other methods described in this article are instance methods, meaning they are run on a string type....

JavaScript Return Values: Understanding the Basics

In JavaScript, every function has a return value, even if it is not explicitly specified. By default, if no return statement is provided, the return value is undefined. However, you can use the return keyword to specify the value that should be returned. For example: const doSomething = () => { return 'test'; } const result = doSomething(); // result === 'test' In this example, the function doSomething returns the string 'test'....