JavaScript Dynamic Imports: Exploring a Powerful Feature

Dynamic imports are a new and upcoming feature in JavaScript that offer a range of possibilities. Recently, I had the opportunity to use dynamic imports in a Next.js application for code splitting. While they are similar to static imports, there are a few differences worth exploring. To begin with, a static import of an ES Module’s default export follows this syntax: import moment from 'moment' In the case of named exports, object destructuring is used:...

JavaScript Equality Operators: Understanding the Basics

In JavaScript, there are four equality operators that are used to compare values and return a boolean result. These operators include: == (Equality Operator): This operator checks for equality between two values. != (Inequality Operator): This operator checks for inequality between two values. === (Strict Equality Operator): This operator checks for strict equality, meaning the values being compared must have the same type and value. !== (Strict Inequality Operator): This operator checks for strict inequality, meaning the values being compared must either have a different type or a different value....

JavaScript Expressions: A Comprehensive Guide

Expressions are essential units of code in JavaScript that can be evaluated and resolve to a specific value. In JavaScript, expressions can be categorized into several types, each serving a different purpose. Understanding these categories is crucial for writing effective and efficient JavaScript code. Let’s explore the different types of expressions in JavaScript. Arithmetic Expressions Arithmetic expressions in JavaScript involve mathematical operations and evaluate to a number. Examples of arithmetic expressions include:...

JavaScript Function Parameters

Learn the basics of JavaScript Function Parameters. A function in JavaScript can accept one or more parameters. Let’s look at some examples: const doSomething = () => { //do something } const doSomethingElse = (foo) => { //do something } const doSomethingElseAgain = (foo, bar) => { //do something } Starting from ES6/ES2015, functions can have default values for their parameters. Here’s an example: const doSomething = (foo = 1, bar = 'hey') => { //do something } This allows you to call the function without specifying all the parameters:...

JavaScript Functions: A Comprehensive Guide

In this blog post, we will dive into the world of JavaScript functions. Whether you’re new to programming or an experienced developer, this guide will provide you with a solid understanding of functions and how to use them effectively. Table of Contents Introduction Syntax Parameters Return Values Nested Functions Object Methods this in Arrow Functions IIFE, Immediately Invoked Function Expressions Function Hoisting Introduction Functions are the building blocks of JavaScript programming....

JavaScript Immediately-invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)

An Immediately-invoked Function Expression, also known as an IIFE, is a way to execute functions immediately once they are created. IIFEs offer several benefits, such as not polluting the global object and providing a simple way to isolate variable declarations. To define an IIFE, you enclose a function inside parentheses and immediately invoke it by appending () at the end: (function() { // code goes here })(); You can also use arrow functions to define IIFEs:...

JavaScript Internationalization: A Guide

Learn how to work with internationalization in JavaScript with the help of the powerful Intl object. The JavaScript Internationalization API provides access to several properties that enable language-sensitive string comparison, date and time formatting, number formatting, plural formatting, and relative time formatting. In addition, the API offers the Intl.getCanonicalLocales() method to check if a locale is valid and return the correct formatting for it. Intl.Collator The Intl.Collator property allows for language-sensitive string comparison....

JavaScript Labeled Statements: A Hidden Gem

Tags: JavaScript, labeled statements, Svelte, statement block, break statement In the world of JavaScript, there is a little-known feature that many developers overlook: labeled statements. It’s a powerful tool that can enhance your code in various ways, yet it remains relatively obscure. Recently, I came across the use of labeled statements in Svelte. They are utilized to enable reactive declarations, which are recomputed whenever the variables declared within the statement change....

JavaScript Loops and Scope

JavaScript is a versatile programming language that offers a lot of flexibility to developers. However, there is one feature of JavaScript that can cause some confusion when it comes to loops and scoping. In this article, we will explore this feature and provide some tricks to work around it using var and let declarations. Let’s start with an example: const operations = [] for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { operations....

JavaScript Loops: A Comprehensive Guide

JavaScript offers various ways to iterate through loops. In this tutorial, we will explore each loop type with examples and discuss their main properties. Introduction JavaScript provides many ways to iterate through loops. This tutorial explains each one with a small example and highlights their unique features. for The for loop is a commonly used loop in JavaScript. It allows you to iterate over a list of items by specifying the starting point, condition, and increment or decrement....