HTML Forms: A Guide to Using Form Elements in HTML

HTML forms are an essential component of web development, allowing users to interact with a web page or application. When a form is submitted, either by clicking a “submit” button or programmatically, the browser sends the form data to the server. In this guide, we will explore the various form elements and tags available in HTML. Creating a Form To create a form in HTML, you use the <form> tag. By default, forms are submitted using the GET HTTP method, but it is typically recommended to use the POST method....

HTML Tables: Mastering the Basics

In the early days of the web, HTML tables were a critical component for building layouts. However, with the advent of CSS and its layout capabilities, tables are now primarily used for organizing data. In this blog post, we will cover the basics of working with HTML tables and explore how to structure tables effectively. The <table> Tag To define a table, we use the <table> tag. Inside the table tag, we define the data in terms of rows and columns....

HTML Tags for Text: A Comprehensive Guide

In this blog post, we will explore the various HTML tags that can be used to display text on a web page. By understanding these tags and their functions, you can enhance the structure and presentation of your content. The p Tag The p tag is used to define a paragraph of text. It is a block element and can contain any inline elements such as span or a. However, block elements cannot be nested inside p elements....

HTTP vs HTTPS: Understanding the Key Differences

Explore the primary differences between HTTP and HTTPS and discover why HTTPS is faster and better for all your online activities. HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is the protocol that powers the web as we know it. It sits on top of TCP, which in turn sits on top of IP. Web pages can be served using either HTTP or HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure). So, how do they differ?...

I Don't Want to Manage Your Data: Simplifying Data Management in Web Apps

Throughout my career as a developer, I’ve always had a reluctance to manage data. Whenever I start working on an app, my first thought is usually, “I don’t want to deal with data management.” Recently, while building a small concept project management app, I began to consider the possibility of turning it into a full-fledged app. However, I quickly realized that, especially for web apps, managing user data is an unavoidable fact of life....

I Purchased A New Home for My Web Development Bootcamp

Every Spring, I organize a highly anticipated course called the Web Development Bootcamp. This comprehensive 20-week program covers all the essential aspects of web development, including vanilla JavaScript, React, Node.js, Next.js, and more. The course has been a tremendous success, with a growing number of signups and consistently positive outcomes for my students. Due to its popularity and effectiveness, I have decided to make it an annual event. Formerly known as the JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp, I recently rebranded it to better reflect the diverse skills and technologies covered....

Implement Next.js Email Authentication with NextAuth

Authentication is a crucial aspect of any web application, including those built with Next.js. There are several ways to manage authentication in Next.js, and in this blog post, I will explain how to implement email-based authentication with JWT tokens using NextAuth. To begin with, you will need to set up an external database. You can choose a local database or a cloud-based one. In my case, I opted for PostgreSQL, but you can use any database that you prefer....

Incrementing Multiple Folders Numbers at Once Using Node.js

How I Solved a Folder Management Problem Recently, I encountered a problem while creating a large number of folders. Each folder was formatted with a number followed by a dash and a string, like this: 1-yo 2-hey 3-cool 4-hi 5-whatsup Later, I realized that I needed to insert a new folder in the middle, like this: 1-yo 2-hey 3-NEWONE 3-cool 4-hi 5-whatsup The challenge arose when I had to change the numbers of all subsequent folders to reflect the insertion of the 3-NEWONE folder....

Information Systems, Data, and Information: Understanding the Difference

In today’s modern world, information and data play a crucial role. However, it is important to understand the difference between the two. Information is at the center of our modern society. Companies, regardless of their size, derive immense value from effective management of information. In fact, for many companies, proper information management is their core business. To put it simply, an information system encompasses the set of procedures and resources that we use to gather, store, process, and communicate the information required by an organization....

Installing 3rd Party Packages in Python using `pip`

Python is a comprehensive programming language with a vast collection of utilities in its standard library. However, sometimes we need additional functionality that is not built-in. This is where 3rd party packages come into play. Packages are created and made available as open-source software by individuals and companies for the Python community. These packages are hosted on the Python Package Index (PyPI) at, and can be easily installed using pip, the package installer for Python....