How to Print the Percentage Character Using `printf()` in C

Learn how to print the percentage character using printf() in C. When writing a C program, you may come across a situation where you need to print the % percentage character using printf(). This can be particularly useful if you are working on a program that involves calculating percentages, which is quite common when you’re learning the language and creating small programs. So, how do you go about printing the percentage character using printf() in C?...

How to Print Your HTML with Style

In this blog post, we will explore some tips on how to print from the browser to the printer or to a PDF document using CSS. Whether you want to hide certain parts of a document, customize the fonts, or add page margins and breaks, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in! Print CSS When it comes to printing, you may want to hide specific parts of your document, such as the footer, header, or sidebar....

How to Programmatically Change a Route in Next.js

Changing routes programmatically in Next.js is a common requirement when building web applications. In this blog post, we’ll explore two different approaches to achieve this goal. Using the useRouter Hook If you are inside a React component, you can leverage the useRouter hook provided by Next.js. This hook gives you access to the router object that you can use to navigate to different routes. Here’s an example of how to use it:...

How to Properly Check if a JavaScript Object Property is Undefined

When writing JavaScript code, it is important to know the correct way to check if an object property is undefined. The most reliable method to accomplish this is by using the typeof operator. Let me guide you through the process with this easy explanation. To check if an object property is undefined, you simply utilize the typeof operator. This operator returns a string that represents the type of the given operand....

How to Quickly Create a Windows 10 Computer on AWS

Looking to create a Windows 10 computer without the hassle of purchasing and setting up a physical PC? AWS WorkSpaces provides a seamless solution for quickly spinning up a Windows 10 machine on the cloud. This guide will walk you through the steps to create and access a Windows 10 computer on AWS, allowing you to test various functionalities and configurations before easily destroying it. Before proceeding, make sure you have an existing AWS account....

How to Read a CSV File with Node.js

In this tutorial, we will explore how to read data from a CSV file using Node.js. There are several npm modules available that allow us to accomplish this task. Most of these modules utilize streams, such as csv-parser or node-csv, making them efficient choices for handling CSV files in a production system. However, when performance is not a concern and simplicity is preferred, a module like neat-csv can be a great option....

How to Read Environment Variables from Node.js

Learn how to read and utilize environment variables in a Node.js program. Environment variables are incredibly valuable as they allow us to avoid hardcoding sensitive information, such as API keys, directly into our code and inadvertently pushing it to GitHub. Modern deployment platforms, including Vercel and Netlify, offer ways to add environment variables through their interfaces, making it even easier to manage these variables. In Node.js, the process core module provides the env property, which contains all the environment variables set when the process began....

How to Rearrange Code Blocks with React and Tailwind CSS

When developing a Next.js website, you may encounter the need to rearrange a React component within your markup based on the screen size. In my case, I wanted to position a Sidebar component on the left side of the screen for larger displays, but before the content on smaller screens. Initially, I was unsure how to achieve this transition without extensively modifying the HTML markup and CSS. That’s when I turned to Tailwind CSS for a straightforward solution....

How to Redirect to a URL in Sapper

When working on a Svelte+Sapper application, you may come across a situation where you need to redirect the user to a specific page when they visit the root domain instead of showing the home page. In this blog post, I will show you how to achieve this using Sapper. To begin, open the src/routes/index.svelte file. Remove the existing content and replace it with the following code: <script context="module"> export async function preload(page, session) { return this....

How to Redirect to Another Web Page Using JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are multiple ways to redirect the user to a different web page. In this blog, we will explore the canonical way to achieve this and discuss other options available using plain JavaScript. Canonical Way to Redirect The most widely used method to navigate to a new URL is by setting the window.location property to the desired URL: window.location = ''; If you want to redirect to a different path on the same domain, you can use the window....