How I Overcame RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. The following is my personal experience and should not be taken as medical advice. What worked for me may not work for everyone. A few years ago, I went through a period of intense discomfort and pain in my arms and hands. As a computer engineer whose livelihood depended on typing, I was afraid this would spell disaster for my career. I tried everything from changing my mouse and keyboard to fixing my posture and investing in ergonomic equipment, but nothing seemed to alleviate the pain....

How I Prototype a Web Page: A Step-by-Step Guide

Prototyping web pages is an essential part of my workflow when working on projects. Whether it’s a blog redesign or a landing page for a new project, I follow a simple and efficient process. In this article, I will share my preferred method and tools for web page prototyping. Using Tailwind for Prototyping To build prototypes, I find Tailwind CSS to be a powerful choice. It provides a utility-first CSS framework that allows me to quickly create and customize components....

How I Solved the Trailing Slash Issue in Netlify Rewrites

Netlify’s rewrite feature is incredibly useful for creating duplicate pages on my websites. By adding rules to the _redirects file in the project’s public root, I can easily create different URLs for my content. However, I encountered a problem with trailing slashes that needed to be addressed. To illustrate, let’s say I have several pages under the directory content/original. I could use the following rewrite rule: /copy/* /original/:splat 200 With this rule, accessing the URL /copy would show the content stored in https://mysite....

How I Transitioned My Course Platform to Notion: A Developer's Perspective

Over the course of 2+ months, I dedicated my time to developing a web app using Next.js, NextAuth.js, Prisma, SQLite, and other impressive technologies. However, as my focus slowly shifted away from the actual content, I realized that I needed to make a change. That’s when I decided to migrate my course platform to Notion. Take a look at how it turned out: Although I had used Notion on and off for a few years, this summer, I made the conscious decision to fully immerse myself in it....

How much JavaScript do you need to know to effectively use React?

Are you interested in learning React? Before diving into it, there are a few things you should familiarize yourself with. While React itself is powerful, there are certain JavaScript features that you will come across frequently when working with React. It’s important to note that these features are part of modern JavaScript syntax and are not exclusive to React. You don’t need to be an expert in these topics right away, but as you delve deeper into React, you’ll find it beneficial to have a solid understanding of them....

How much JavaScript Knowledge is Required to Use Node?

If you are new to JavaScript and planning to use Node.js, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the language. Building confidence in your programming abilities is crucial, especially as a beginner. To distinguish between JavaScript and Node.js, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the main JavaScript concepts. Before delving into Node.js, make sure you are well-versed in the following: Lexical Structure Expressions Types Variables Functions this keyword Arrow Functions Loops Loop Scope Arrays Template Literals Semicolons Strict Mode ECMAScript 6, 2016, 2017 With a solid grasp of these concepts, you can become a proficient JavaScript developer not only in the browser but also with Node....

How Survivorship Bias Distorts Our Perception of Success

When we browse through Indie Hackers or any similar platform, we find ourselves immersed in a sea of success stories: individuals making $50k in monthly recurring revenue, or even selling their ventures for millions to larger companies. These stories are inspiring and captivating, drawing us in. It’s no surprise that success stories attract attention and have a wide readership. After all, who doesn’t love a tale of triumph? However, what goes unnoticed are the failures, especially the grand ones....

How to Accept Unlimited Parameters in a JavaScript Function

Have you ever wondered how to create a JavaScript function that can accept an unlimited number of parameters? It’s actually quite simple! In this blog post, we’ll explore a neat syntax that allows you to achieve this flexibility. Let’s start with an example. Suppose we want to create a function called join() that concatenates all the strings passed to it. Initially, we might define the function with a fixed number of parameters like this:...

How to Access a URL Parameter in Sapper Outside of Script Module

If you are creating a Svelte application using Sapper and have a dynamic page route such as /routes/[id].svelte, you may need to access the dynamic part of the URL (in this case, the id) outside of the preload() function in the <script context="module"> section of the component. To achieve this, you can return the id from the preload() function and define it as a prop of the component using the export * syntax....

How to Access Files Outside a Docker Container: A Guide to Bind Mounts and Volumes

When working with Docker containers and the need arises to access files from the host machine, there are a few ways to accomplish this. One common approach is to use Bind Mounts and Volumes. These mechanisms allow for the storage of data from within the container in a way that persists even after the container is removed. Bind Mounts, denoted by the -v or --volume flag, are a convenient way to map folders on the host computer to specific locations within the container....