Exporting Multiple Functions in JavaScript

In JavaScript, you can divide a program into separate files to improve organization and reusability. But how do you make the functions defined in one file accessible to other files? In this article, we will explore how to export multiple functions from a JavaScript file. Let’s say you have a JavaScript file where you define a few functions, like this: function sum(a, b) { return a + b; } function mul(a, b) { return a * b; } To make these functions available to other files, you can use the export keyword....

Exposing Functionality from a Node File Using `exports`

Learn how to use the module.exports API to expose data to other files in your Node.js application or even to other applications. Node.js comes with a built-in module system that allows files to import functionality from other files. To import something, you can use the following syntax: const library = require('./library'); This imports the functionality that is exposed in the library.js file located in the same folder as the current file....

Express Middleware: Enhancing Your Routing Process

Express middleware plays a crucial role in the routing process. By creating custom functions, we can insert them at different points in the chain to perform specific operations. Typically, middleware functions are used to modify the request or response objects or terminate the request before it reaches the route handler. These functions are added to the execution stack using the app.use() method, similar to defining a route. For example: app.use((req, res, next) => { /* middleware function */ }) In the above code snippet, we define a middleware function that takes three parameters: req (request object), res (response object), and next....

Express Templates: A Guide to Server-Side Template Engines

Express is a powerful framework that can handle server-side template engines, allowing developers to dynamically generate HTML by adding data to views. The default template engine used by Express is Jade, which has now been renamed to Pug due to a trademark issue. While Jade (or Pug 1.0) is still the default in Express for backward compatibility reasons, it’s recommended to use Pug 2.0 or another engine of your choice in new projects....

Express: A Popular Node.js Framework

Express is a widely used Node.js web framework that provides easy-to-use functionality for building web servers. It builds on top of the features of Node.js and satisfies the needs of the web server use-case. Introduction to Express Express is a Node.js web framework that is built on top of the powerful networking tool, Node.js. It offers an easy-to-use and performant solution for building web servers. It is open source, free, extensible, and provides a wide range of pre-built packages for various functionalities....

Express: Request Parameters

A comprehensive guide to the properties of the Request object and how to use them effectively. Request Parameters The Request object in Express holds crucial information about the HTTP request. Here are the key properties you’ll likely use: Property Description .app Holds a reference to the Express app object. .baseUrl Represents the base path on which the app responds. .body Holds the data submitted in the request body. However, it must be parsed and populated manually before accessing it....

Extracting HTTP Request Body Data Using Node

Learn how to efficiently extract data sent as JSON through an HTTP request body using Node. To extract the data from the request body when using Express, you can simply utilize the popular body-parser Node module. For instance, if you want to retrieve the body of a POST request: const axios = require('axios'); axios.post('/todos', { todo: 'Buy the milk', }); The corresponding server-side code would look like this: const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); app....

Finding a Character in a String using JavaScript

Are you wondering how to find a specific character within a string using JavaScript? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll explore two methods that can help you achieve this. Method 1: Using the includes() Method One easy way to find a character in a string is by utilizing the includes() method. This method is available for all strings in JavaScript and allows you to check if a string contains a specific character....

Finding Purpose: The Key to Business Success

Having a clear purpose is not only crucial for personal fulfillment but also for the success of your business. While making money is undeniably important for everyday expenses, it is not enough to drive long-term growth and engagement. In order to stand out from the competition and create a meaningful impact, businesses must be driven by a set of values that make them unique. Unlike anonymous chains or interchangeable service providers, businesses with a purpose can overcome any challenge that comes their way....

Finding the Length of a String in C: A Practical Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will learn how to find the length of a string in C using the strlen() function provided by the string.h header file in the C standard library. To get started, make sure you have included the string.h and stdio.h header files in your program. These files contain the necessary functions and definitions for string manipulation and input/output operations. The strlen() function takes a string as its argument and returns the length of that string as an integer value....