Arduino Project: Using the tone() Function for Buzzer Music

The tone() function in Arduino is a useful tool for playing notes on passive buzzers. By combining multiple calls to the tone() function, we can create melodies and play songs. To use the tone() function, follow this syntax: tone(<PIN>, <FREQUENCY>) For example, to play the C7 note on a buzzer connected to pin 8, use the following code: #define NOTE_C7 2093 tone(8, NOTE_C7) Please note that frequency is measured in hertz (Hz)....

Arduino Serial Communication: A Guide

Serial communication is an essential feature in Arduino for connecting with other devices. It allows you to “talk” to a computer, visualize data from the Arduino, debug projects, and communicate with other devices. In this guide, we will explore how to effectively use serial communication in Arduino. Arduino comes equipped with the built-in Serial library, eliminating the need to import any additional libraries to use it. The USB connection established between the computer and the Arduino for programming purposes also enables serial communication, enabling you to send and receive messages through the Arduino IDE effortlessly....

Arduino vs Raspberry Pi: A Comparison of Two Popular Platforms for Tinkering

I recently acquired an Arduino board to delve back into electronics after a hiatus of over 15 years. During my research, I discovered that two of the most prominent platforms for this purpose are Arduino and Raspberry Pi. While there are many others available, I will focus on comparing these two platforms in this article. Let’s start by examining the Arduino Uno board, which I selected as my example. Please see the image below:...

Arduino: Utilizing Libraries for Efficient Programming

As developers, we often find ourselves solving similar problems time and time again. Luckily, we have discovered a way to make our lives easier through the use of libraries. These libraries contain pre-written code that can be reused and shared among developers, allowing us to save time and effort in our programming tasks. Arduino, a popular platform for building electronic projects, also offers a wide range of libraries that can enhance our projects....

Arrays in Go: Everything You Need to Know

Arrays in Go are powerful and efficient data structures that allow you to store a sequence of items of a single type. In this blog post, we will explore how to define and work with arrays in Go. Defining Arrays To define an array in Go, you need to specify its length and the type of its elements. Here’s an example of how to define an array of 3 strings:...

Arrays in Swift: A Comprehensive Guide

Arrays are an essential aspect of Swift programming as they allow us to create collections of items. This blog post will provide you with a comprehensive guide to using arrays in Swift, including syntax, initialization, manipulation, and more. Syntax and Initialization In Swift, arrays are created using square brackets and can hold items of the same type. Let’s look at some examples: var list = [1, 2, 3] // Array with 3 integers To access items in an array, we use the syntax list[index]....

Arrow Functions vs Regular Functions in JavaScript

In JavaScript, arrow functions and regular functions serve the same purpose but have some key differences. Let’s explore what sets them apart. Regular functions have been used since the inception of JavaScript. They can be defined in the following ways: function run() { // code here } Regular functions can be executed directly: run(); Alternatively, they can be assigned to a variable: const run = function() { // code here }; run(); Regular functions can also be anonymous, meaning they don’t have a name specified:...

Astro Components: A Guide to Building SEO-Friendly Astro Components

Astro is a powerful tool for creating web projects. When working with Astro, you’ll encounter files with the .astro extension. In this article, we’ll explore Astro components and learn how to leverage them effectively. Let’s start by examining a sample Astro component file, specifically the one included in the Minimal template: --- --- <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> <title>Welcome to Astro</title> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to <a href="https://astro....

Astro Props: Passing Information to Components

If you’ve worked with modern JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue, or Svelte, you’re probably familiar with the concept of props. Props allow us to pass information, including variables and functions, to components. The good news is that Astro components also support props. Let’s see how to use them effectively. First, let’s say you have a Hello component defined in src/components/Hello.astro: <p>Hello!</p> To pass a name prop to the component when using it, you can do <Hello name="Flavio" />....

Asynchronous JavaScript Programming and Callbacks: Understanding Asynchronicity

JavaScript, by default, is synchronous and single-threaded, meaning that code cannot create new threads and run in parallel. However, asynchronous programming allows code to run independently of the main program flow. In this blog, we will explore the concept of asynchronous code and its implementation in JavaScript, specifically through the use of callbacks. We will also discuss the challenges associated with callbacks and alternative approaches to handle asynchronous code. Asynchronicity in Programming Languages Computers are inherently asynchronous....