When working with npm packages, it’s important to understand the difference between dependencies and devDependencies. Knowing when to classify a package as a dependency or a dev dependency will help optimize your project’s setup.


When you run npm install <package-name>, the package is installed as a dependency. It is automatically added to the dependencies list in your package.json file. Previously, you had to manually specify --save to include it in the dependencies.

Dependencies are essential packages that your project relies on to function properly in both development and production environments.

Dev Dependencies

On the other hand, if you include the -D flag or use the --save-dev option, the package is installed as a development dependency. This means it is added to the devDependencies list in your package.json.

Development dependencies are specifically intended for use during the development phase, as they are not necessary in a production environment. Examples of dev dependencies include testing packages, webpack, and Babel.

During deployment, if the folder contains a package.json file, npm will automatically install the development dependencies. To exclude them from the installation process and install only the production dependencies, you can use the --production flag (npm install --production).

Understanding the distinction between dependencies and devDependencies allows you to optimize your project’s setup and ensures that only the required dependencies are included in your production environment.