The events module of Node.js provides the EventEmitter class.

The events module provides us with the EventEmitter class, which is essential for working with events in Node. I have written a detailed article on this topic, which you can find here. In this blog, I will describe the API without providing further examples on how to use it.

const EventEmitter = require('events')
const door = new EventEmitter()

The EventEmitter class uses the following events internally:

  • newListener: triggered when a listener is added.
  • removeListener: triggered when a listener is removed.

Here is a detailed description of the most useful methods:

  • emitter.addListener() (alias for emitter.on()): Adds a listener to an event.
  • emitter.emit(): Emits an event and calls every event listener in the order they were registered.
  • emitter.eventNames(): Returns an array of strings representing the registered events on the current EventEmitter instance.
  • emitter.getMaxListeners(): Gets the maximum number of listeners that can be added to an EventEmitter object. The default value is 10 but can be increased or decreased using setMaxListeners().
  • emitter.listenerCount(): Gets the count of listeners for a specific event.
  • emitter.listeners(): Returns an array of listeners for a specific event.
  • (alias for emitter.removeListener()): Removes a specific listener from the EventEmitter.
  • emitter.on(): Adds a callback function to be called when an event is emitted.
  • emitter.once(): Adds a callback function to be called only for the first occurrence of an event.
  • emitter.prependListener(): Adds a listener to the beginning of the listeners queue for an event.
  • emitter.prependOnceListener(): Adds a listener to be called before other listeners when an event is emitted for the first time.
  • emitter.removeAllListeners(): Removes all listeners for a specific event from the EventEmitter object.
  • emitter.removeListener(): Removes a specific listener from the EventEmitter object. The callback function can be referenced using a variable.
  • emitter.setMaxListeners(): Sets the maximum number of listeners that can be added to an EventEmitter object.

Tags: Node.js, events module, EventEmitter