The cd command in Linux is a powerful tool used to change directories or move into different folders within a file system. Understanding how to navigate through folders is essential for efficient file management. In this blog, we will explore the cd command and various ways to use it effectively.

Basic Usage

The cd command, short for “change directory,” is invoked by specifying the folder you want to move into. This can be done by providing either the folder name or the complete path to the folder.

For example, let’s say you have a folder named “fruits” and you want to move into it. You can use the following command:

cd fruits

Now you will be inside the “fruits” folder. You can perform further operations within this specific folder.

To move back to the parent folder, you can use the special path indicator ... This allows you to navigate up the directory tree. For instance:

cd .. # moves you back to the previous folder, also known as the parent folder

The # character signifies the beginning of a comment, which extends till the end of the line. It can be used to add explanatory comments to your commands.

Building Paths

The cd command also allows you to build paths by combining different folders. You can use the .. special path to navigate upwards and the / separator to specify the subfolder.

Let’s say you have two folders named “fruits” and “cars” at the same level. You can use the following commands to navigate between them:

mkdir fruits
mkdir cars
cd fruits
cd ../cars

In this example, cd ../cars moves you from the “fruits” folder to the “cars” folder.

Using Absolute Paths

In addition to relative paths, you can use absolute paths to navigate directly to a specific folder within the file system. Absolute paths start from the root folder /. For instance:

cd /etc

This command takes you directly to the “etc” folder, regardless of your current location within the file system.


It’s worth noting that the cd command works not only on Linux but also on macOS, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), and any UNIX environment. This flexibility allows you to utilize the same command across multiple platforms.

In conclusion, the cd command is an essential tool for changing directories within a Linux system. By understanding its usage and various path indicators, you can navigate through folders efficiently and effortlessly.

Note: This command works on Linux, macOS, WSL, and anywhere you have a UNIX environment.