In JavaScript, the trimEnd() method is used to remove white space from the end of a string. This article will provide you with all the information you need to understand and effectively utilize this method.

Understanding the trimEnd() Method

The trimEnd() method is used to remove any white space characters, such as spaces, tabs, or line breaks, from the end of a string. It returns a new string with the removed white space, leaving the original string untouched.


The syntax for using the trimEnd() method is as follows:


Here, string refers to the original string that you want to manipulate.


Let’s take a look at some examples to better understand how the trimEnd() method works:

'Testing'.trimEnd() // Returns 'Testing'
' Testing'.trimEnd() // Returns ' Testing'
' Testing '.trimEnd() // Returns ' Testing'
'Testing '.trimEnd() // Returns 'Testing'

In the first example, the string “Testing” doesn’t have any white space at the end, so the trimEnd() method doesn’t make any changes and simply returns the original string.

In the second example, there is a space at the beginning, but no white space at the end. As a result, the trimEnd() method doesn’t remove any characters and returns the original string.

In the third example, the string has a space at the end. The trimEnd() method removes this space and returns the modified string.

In the fourth example, the string has a space at the end, and the trimEnd() method successfully removes it to return the modified string.


The trimEnd() method in JavaScript is a useful way to remove white space characters from the end of a string. By understanding its functionality and syntax, you can effectively manipulate string data in your JavaScript code.