In JavaScript, the toLowerCase() method is used to convert the characters in a string to lowercase. This method returns a new string with all the characters converted to lowercase. It is important to note that the original string is not mutated or changed in any way.

The toLowerCase() method does not accept any parameters. It simply operates on the string that it is called upon. Here is an example of how to use the toLowerCase() method:

'Testing'.toLowerCase(); // returns 'testing'

As shown in the example above, the toLowerCase() method converts the word ‘Testing’ to all lowercase letters, resulting in the string ’testing’.

It is worth mentioning that the toLowerCase() method is similar to the toLocaleLowerCase() method in JavaScript. However, unlike the toLocaleLowerCase() method, toLowerCase() does not consider locales. It solely focuses on converting the characters to lowercase without taking into account any regional or cultural differences.

In conclusion, the toLowerCase() method is a useful tool for transforming text to lowercase in JavaScript. It returns a new string with all the characters converted to lowercase, without altering the original string. This method does not require any parameters and can be used to quickly convert text to lowercase within your JavaScript code.