In JavaScript, the isFinite() method of the Number object is used to determine whether a given value is a finite number. It returns true if the value is indeed finite, and false if it is not. It is important to note that this method will return false for values that are not of the number data type, such as booleans, strings, objects, and arrays.

Let’s take a look at some examples to understand this method better:

Number.isFinite(1) // true
Number.isFinite(-237) // true
Number.isFinite(0) // true
Number.isFinite(0.2) // true

Number.isFinite('Flavio') // false
Number.isFinite(true) // false
Number.isFinite({}) // false
Number.isFinite([1, 2, 3]) // false

In the first four examples, the method returns true because the values are all finite numbers. However, in the last four examples, the method returns false because the values are not finite numbers.

Using the isFinite() method can be helpful in various scenarios, especially when you want to ensure that a particular value is a valid number before performing any mathematical operations on it. This method provides a quick and reliable way to check if a value is finite without throwing any errors or exceptions.

To conclude, the isFinite() method of the Number object is a handy tool in JavaScript that allows you to determine whether a given value is a finite number. Understanding how this method works can greatly enhance your ability to handle numeric operations in your code effectively.