The JavaScript in operator is a powerful tool that allows us to check if an object has a specific property. By using this operator, we can determine whether a property exists within an object, or if it is present in its prototype chain.

When the in operator is used, it returns true if the first operand is a property of the object on the right side. It also returns true if the property is found in any of the object’s ancestors in its prototype chain. Conversely, if the property is not found, the operator will return false.

Here is an example that demonstrates the usage of the in operator:

class Car {
  constructor() {
    this.wheels = 4;

class Fiesta extends Car {
  constructor() {
    this.brand = 'Ford';

const myCar = new Fiesta();

'brand' in myCar; // Returns true
'wheels' in myCar; // Returns true

In the above example, we define a Car class with a wheels property and a Fiesta class that extends Car and adds a brand property. We then create an instance of Fiesta called myCar. By using the in operator, we check if the brand and wheels properties exist in myCar.

In this case, both properties are found, so the in operator returns true.

Tags: JavaScript, in operator, object property, prototype chain