In JavaScript, the assignment operator “=” is used to assign a value to a variable. This operator provides shortcuts for performing arithmetic operations and assigning the result to the variable.

Let’s look at some examples:

const a = 2;
let b = 2;
var c = 2;

In the above code, the assignment operator is used to assign the value 2 to the variables a, b, and c.

The assignment operator also has shortcuts for arithmetic operations. Here are some common shortcuts:

  • +=: addition assignment
  • -=: subtraction assignment
  • *=: multiplication assignment
  • /=: division assignment
  • %=: remainder assignment
  • **=: exponentiation assignment

These shortcuts allow you to perform an arithmetic operation and assign the result to the variable in a single step.

Let’s see them in action:

let a = 0;
a += 5; // a is now 5
a -= 2; // a is now 3
a *= 2; // a is now 6
a /= 2; // a is now 3
a %= 2; // a is now 1

In the above code, the value of a is modified using the corresponding shortcut assignment operators. The final value of a is 1, not 0, because the operations are executed one after another.

In conclusion, the assignment operator in JavaScript provides a convenient way to assign values to variables and perform arithmetic operations at the same time. By utilizing the shortcuts, you can simplify your code and make it more concise.