When working with JavaScript arrays, it is quite common to need to check if a particular item is present. Fortunately, JavaScript provides us with a handy method called includes() that allows us to perform this check easily.

To use the includes() method, you simply call it on the array instance, followed by the value you want to check for. The method returns true if the item is found in the array, and false otherwise.

Let’s take a look at an example:

const colors = ['red', 'green'];

console.log(colors.includes('red')); // true ✅
console.log(colors.includes('yellow')); // false ❌

In the example above, we have an array called colors that contains the strings 'red' and 'green'. We use the includes() method to check if 'red' is present in the array, which returns true. Then, we check if 'yellow' is present, which returns false.

By utilizing the includes() method, we can easily determine if a JavaScript array contains a specific value. This makes it a powerful tool for searching and filtering arrays based on specific criteria.