Docker Hub is the official hosting service for public and private Docker Images. It provides a convenient way to share your Docker images with others. In this blog post, we will walk through the process of sharing a Docker image on Docker Hub.

Before we begin, you will need to register on Docker Hub. The basic plan is free and includes unlimited public repositories and one private repository. If you require more private repositories, there are paid plans available.

Once you have registered and logged in to Docker Hub, you will see your dashboard. From here, you will need to login from the command line using the docker login command and your username.

docker login --username <username>

After logging in, you can use the docker tag command to create a new tag for your image and then use docker push to push it to Docker Hub.

docker tag <image> <username>/<tagname>
docker push <username>/<tagname>

Make sure to replace <image> with the name of your image and <username>/<tagname> with your Docker Hub username and desired tag name.

Note: If you forget to login, you will receive a denied: requested access to the resource is denied error message when running docker push.

Once the push is successful, you can visit Docker Hub and navigate to the repositories list to see your image listed. Clicking on the image will reveal more details and options.

Now that your image is public, anyone can use it to create their own containers or use it as a base image for their projects. You can also create new tags to create different versions of your image. Additionally, Docker Hub offers other advanced features such as automated builds from external repositories, running automated tests, setting up webhooks for repository image updates, and creating organizations and teams.

Sharing your Docker images on Docker Hub allows others to benefit from your work and contribute to the Docker ecosystem. It’s a great way to collaborate and share your containerized applications with the community.