In this article, we will explore the various CSS properties that allow you to change and style the background of an element. By understanding these properties, you can create visually appealing and engaging web pages. Let’s dive in!


The background-color property allows you to set the color of the background. You can use color keywords (e.g., yellow) or specify the RGB or HSL values.

p {
 background-color: yellow;

div {
 background-color: #333;


If you prefer using an image as the background, you can achieve this with the background-image property. Just provide the URL of the image you want to use.

div {
 background-image: url(image.png);


The background-clip property defines the area where the background image or color should extend. By default, it extends up to the outer edge of the border. However, you can also choose to extend it up to the padding or content edge.

div {
 background-clip: border-box;
/* Other values: padding-box, content-box, inherit */


In the case of using an image as the background, you may want to adjust its placement. The background-position property allows you to set the position of the image on the X and Y axes. Valid values for the X axis are left, right, and center, while for the Y axis, you can use top and bottom.

div {
 background-position: top right;


When the background image is smaller than the background area, you can define the behavior of repetition using the background-repeat property. By default, the image repeats on both axes. However, you can limit the repetition to either the X or Y axis or disable it entirely.

div {
 background-repeat: repeat-x;
/* Other values: repeat-y, repeat, no-repeat */


The background-origin property allows you to choose where the background should be applied within the element. The default value is padding-box, which includes the padding area. You can also choose border-box (including the border area) or content-box (excluding the padding area).

div {
 background-origin: padding-box;
/* Other values: border-box, content-box */


With the background-attachment property, you can specify whether the background should scroll with the content or remain fixed to the viewport. By default, the background scrolls as the content scrolls. However, you can use fixed to keep the background stationary.

div {
 background-attachment: fixed;
/* Other values: scroll, local */


The background-size property controls the size of the background image. You can choose from three keywords: auto (the default, which retains the original size), cover (expands the image to cover the whole element), and contain (keeps the image contained within the element).

You can also specify specific length values to set the width and height of the background image.

div {
 background-size: 100%;

div {
 background-size: 800px 600px;

Shorthand Property: Background

The background property allows you to define multiple background properties in a single line, making it more concise and readable.

div {
 background: url(bg.png) top left no-repeat;

Fallback Color for Images

If you’re using an image as the background and it fails to load, you can set a fallback color using the background property.

div {
 background: url(image.png) yellow;

Gradient Backgrounds

You can also create gradient backgrounds using the background property and the linear-gradient function.

div {
 background: linear-gradient(#fff, #333);

By understanding and utilizing these CSS background properties, you can unleash your creativity and enhance the visual appeal of your web pages. Happy coding!