When working with DOM elements, it is sometimes necessary to check if a specific element has a particular class. This can be useful for performing conditional actions or manipulating the element based on the existence of a class.

One way to check for the presence of a class is by using the contains method provided by the classList object. The classList object is a built-in feature of JavaScript that allows for easy manipulation of an element’s classes.

To check if an element has a class using the contains method, you can use the following syntax:


In the example above, element is the reference to the DOM element you want to check, and 'myclass' is the name of the class you are looking for.

The contains method returns a boolean value (true or false) depending on whether or not the class exists in the element’s class list. If the class is present, it will return true; otherwise, it will return false.

It is important to note that the classList object is an implementation of the DOMTokenList interface. This means that the object inherits and implements various methods and properties defined by the interface.

If you require more information about the classList object and its methods, you can refer to the DOMTokenList MDN page for detailed documentation.

By utilizing the contains method of the classList object, you can easily determine whether a DOM element has a particular class and proceed with your desired logic accordingly.