Bash is the most widely used shell on operating systems like Linux, macOS, and the WSL on Windows 10. It has become the de facto shell due to its historical background and its association with the GNU Project. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of Bash and some of its useful features.

Introduction to Bash

Bash, short for “Bourne-again shell,” is a key component of the GNU Project and a successor to the Bourne shell. It was created to provide an open-source alternative to the proprietary Bourne shell and has grown to become one of the most successful pieces of software in the GNU Project.

Bash is capable of running all scripts written for the Bourne shell, which was the most popular shell at the time of Bash’s release. It introduced several new features while maintaining compatibility with the Bourne shell, making it a preferred choice for many users.

Getting Started with Bash

To start using Bash, all you need to do is log in to your system or open a terminal on your computer, as it is the default shell on most systems. Upon starting Bash, you will see a prompt, usually ending with a $ symbol. You can test if Bash is running by typing help and pressing enter, which will display the version of Bash you are running along with a list of available commands.

Note: The default Bash version in macOS does not include the latest release. You can install the latest version using Homebrew by typing brew install bash.

To navigate through the filesystem with Bash, you can use the ls command to list files in the current folder. By default, you start from your home folder, which is typically located under /Users. To navigate to other folders, you can use the cd command followed by the name of the folder you want to move to. Typing pwd will display the current working directory.

Command Line Editing

Bash provides convenient command line editing features, allowing you to move left and right with the arrow keys, edit commands using the backspace button, and execute commands by pressing the enter key. Keyboard combinations like ctrl+d, ctrl+f, and ctrl+b provide quick navigation and editing capabilities.


Bash offers autocompletion when navigating the filesystem, making it easier to navigate through folders and execute commands. By typing a few characters and pressing the tab key, Bash will autocomplete file and command names. It will also display a list of options if there are multiple choices.

Running Shell Commands

With Bash, you can run various commands available on your system either by specifying the full path to the command or using their short names. Bash has the concept of a path, which is a list of folders where it looks for commands. By default, commonly used commands are located in the /bin folder. You can also add additional folders to the path to make commands accessible from anywhere.

Common Shell Commands

There are numerous commands available on any system, and they may vary depending on the operating system you are using. However, here are some commonly used shell commands:

  • ls: List files
  • cd: Change directory
  • rm: Remove a file or folder
  • mv: Move a file to another folder or change a file name
  • cp: Copy a file
  • pwd: Show the current working directory
  • mkdir: Create a folder
  • chmod: Change file permissions
  • chown: Change file owner
  • cat, tail, grep: Work with files
  • pico, nano, vim, emacs: Text editors
  • whereis: Show the location of a command on the system
  • And many more!

Running Commands in the Background

Bash allows you to run commands in the background using the & symbol. This enables you to continue using the shell without waiting for a long-running program to complete. You can view the running background jobs using the jobs command and manage them using options like fg and bg to bring them to the foreground or background.

Command History

Bash provides a command history feature, allowing you to access previously entered commands quickly. By pressing the up arrow key, you can navigate through your command history and rerun a command by pressing enter.

Customizing Bash

Bash can be customized based on your preferences and requirements. You can set environment variables, create aliases for commonly used commands, and define scripts to automate tasks. Configuration files like .bashrc and .bash_profile control the behavior of Bash and allow you to define custom settings.


In this beginner’s guide, we have explored the basics of the Bash shell, including navigation, command execution, customization, and some useful features. By mastering Bash, you can enhance your productivity and efficiency when working on Unix-like systems.

Tags: Bash, Shell scripting, Command Line, Unix-like systems