The Arduino Uno is the go-to microcontroller board for many developers. As the reference version of Arduino, it sets the standard for performance and functionality. The latest official Arduino device, the Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2, takes the Uno to the next level.

Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2

With the same form factor and size as other Arduino boards like the Arduino 101, Arduino Zero, and Arduino Leonardo, the Uno WiFi rev 2 offers enhanced capabilities. It features an 8-bit microcontroller, the ATmega4809, which boasts 48KB of Flash memory, 6KB of SRAM, and 256 bytes of EEPROM. This significant increase in memory sets it apart from previous Arduino Uno rev 3 boards equipped with the ATmega328P. If you have an older Uno board, it’s important to note this change.

The Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2 operates at 16MHz with a voltage of 5V. It can be powered using an input of 7V to 12V, making it compatible with various power sources.

In terms of I/O, the Uno WiFi rev 2 includes a USB-B port for easy program transfer and a power input. It also boasts 20 I/O pins, consisting of 14 digital and 6 analog pins capable of mapping values from 0 to 1023 using 10 bits. These I/O pins allow for versatile connections with other devices or components.

One standout feature of the Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2 is its integrated WiFi module, the NINA-W13. This module supports 802.11b/g/n and comes with a built-in TCP/IP protocol stack for seamless WiFi connectivity. Additionally, it incorporates hardware-based security with the ATECC608A, ensuring data safety and integrity.

Alternatively, the Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2 can function as an access point, allowing you to connect directly to it. This can be extremely useful in certain scenarios.

Another exciting addition to the board is its integrated Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), the LSM6DS. This module is equipped with a 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope, enabling the creation of captivating motion sensor applications.

The Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2 also features a high-speed analog-to-digital converter (ADC). This integrated ADC allows for accurate and efficient conversion of analog signals to a digital format.

To program the Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2, simply connect it to your computer using the USB port. This port serves as the gateway for loading programs onto the board.

Unlike devices with operating systems, the Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2 runs a single program at a time. Once a program is loaded onto the board, it will continue running as long as there is power. This means you can take the Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2 anywhere, pair it with a solar panel and battery, and it will operate autonomously.

With its advanced features and expandable capabilities, the Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2 is an excellent choice for developers looking for a versatile microcontroller board.